LAST CALL: IDEAS Grant Competition 2024 – Empowering Study Abroad Programs

The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, announces the IDEAS grant competition to enhance study abroad initiatives in line with U.S. foreign policy goals.

🌟 Key Highlights:

  • Two-phase competition with up to 35 grants of $35,000 each.
  • Additional funding for consortia focusing on STEM, technical, and vocational fields.

📚 IDEAS Consortium Grant:

  • A special grant of up to $50,000 is available for consortia of at least two U.S. colleges/universities focusing on STEM, technical, or vocational fields.
  • Aims to increase study abroad capacity and programs at community colleges.
  • Join the IDEAS movement to advance international education and foster global

📅 Timeline:

  • Phase One (Concept Phase): Oct 11 – Dec 13, 2023
  • Phase Two (Proposal Phase): Feb 2024 – Apr 4, 2024

🔍 Eligibility Criteria:

  • Open to accredited U.S. colleges and universities.
  • Focus on primarily U.S. undergraduate student mobility abroad.
  • Proposals should align with U.S. foreign policy goals.
  • Innovative ideas for building study abroad capacity are encouraged.

💡 Foreign Policy Goals Include:

  • Civil Society, Journalism, and Education
  • Climate, Energy, and the Environment
  • Democracy and Human Rights
  • Economic Development and Entrepreneurship
  • Global Health
  • Technology and Innovation

📃 Informational Webinars:

📩 How to Apply: 

Phase One Proposal Components (Up to 750 words):

  • Institutional Description/Statement of Need (150 words): Introduce your institution, outlining the specific needs targeted by the IDEAS grant.
  • Proposed IDEAS Project (300 words): Unveil the essence of your project, elucidating goals, objectives, and its role in advancing study abroad capacity.
  • Foreign Policy Goal Alignment (150 words): Highlight the global significance of your project by elucidating its alignment with U.S. foreign policy goals.
  • Budget Estimate (Total funding + 150-word summary): Articulate the funding requirements, accompanied by a concise summary highlighting key budget elements.

Example Phase Two Proposal Components (Official details announced in February 2024):

  • Proposal Narrative (Max 15 pages): Elaborate on your project, covering vital aspects such as the statement of need, capacity building plan, project activities, and management plan.
  • Cover Page (1 page): Furnish essential details about your institution and project.
  • Table of Contents (1 page): Clearly outline the proposal structure for easy navigation.
  • Executive Summary (1 page): Summarize key elements for a quick overview.
  • Program Description (4-6 pages): Delve into specifics, addressing the statement of need, capacity building plan, project activities, and management plan.
  • Foreign Policy Goal Alignment (1 page): Reinforce how your project aligns with U.S. foreign policy goals.
  • Sustainability Plan (1 page): Outline how your project aims for long-term impact and sustainability.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (1 page): Describe how you’ll assess the success and impact of your project.
  • Budget Narrative (2-3 pages): Provide a detailed explanation of your budget, encompassing all anticipated expenses.
  • Proposal Attachments: Include essential documents like a Calendar of Activities, Logic Model, Key Staff Resumes, and a comprehensive Budget Spreadsheet.

Note: Stay tuned for detailed Phase Two guidelines in February 2024. Adherence to these guidelines is crucial for a successful IDEAS grant application.

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